
A list of Ticket Tool's commands

  • Ticket Tool now also supports Slash Commands!

  • The default prefix for Ticket Tool is $. Pinging Ticket Tool before the command would also work: @Ticket Tool#4843 help

  • If you've changed the default prefix for Ticket Tool in your server, replace the $ with the prefix you set.

Commands will have 2 "arguments", which is a piece of information that can be used by the command to execute a special action:

  1. The Required Argument, written in []

  2. The Optional Argument, written in {}

General Commands



$help $help commands $help setup $help faq

Provides some basic documentation and assistance about the bot: its commands, how to set it up, and a list of frequently asked questions.



Provides useful troubleshooting information about your server, the channel $debug is used in, and your own permissions on the server. Support team members may ask you to run this command and provide them with the link it generates to get the information they need to assist you.


$permissionlevel {User ID} $level {User ID}

Ticket Tool responds with your own permission level on this server, or the permission level of the user whose ID you inputted after the command. This is useful for permission issues regarding accessing your server's dashboard



Provides the current latency between your server, the bot, and the Discord API. This might be used while troubleshooting.


$panel [ID]

Send a panel to the current channel. The ID of a panel is in Panel Configs, to the left of the panel name.


$id $id {#channel} $id {@role} $id {@user} $id {:emoji:}

Provides your server ID. You can also get the ID of things like channels, roles, users, and custom emojis by including the channel/role/user mention or the emoji itself after the command.

Ticket Commands




Closes a ticket channel that is in the Opened state.



Re-opens a ticket channel that is in the Closed state.



Deletes a ticket channel, no matter if it's in the Opened or Closed states.


$rename [Name]

Renames the ticket channel.


$transcript {#channel} {X Amount of lines}

- Creates a transcript of the last 500 (free) - 1000 (premium) messages in the current channel, which is then uploaded as a .html file. - If no send channel is chosen, then the transcript will be sent to your defined Transcript Channel. - 💎 Premium Users will have the ability to use this command in all channels, regardless if it's a ticket or not.


$add [@User#1234] $add [User ID] $add [@Role] $add [Role ID]

Gives an additional user or role access to the current ticket channel. They are given the same permissions as the User Opened Permissions.


$remove [@User#1234] $remove [User ID] $remove [@Role] $remove [Role ID]

Removes a user’s or role's access to the ticket channel if they had access to the ticket when it was created, or if they had been added with the $add command.


$claim {@User} $claim {User ID}

Premium Only Command. If Ticket Claiming is enabled, then this allows a support team member to claim the ticket.


$claim {@User} $claim {User ID}

Premium Only Command. This allows a support team member to unclaim the ticket if someone had previously claimed it.


$closeRequest / $ca

Sends the Close Ask Message to the ticket channel.

Command Style Tickets

To use these commands, Command Style Tickets must be enabled, and the command must be performed in the monitored channel.



$new $new {Reason} $new {@User#1234} $new {@User#1234 Reason} $new {User ID} $new {User ID Reason}

- Creates a new ticket in the specified channel, with an optional reason, or setting a specific user as the ticket owner (Support team only). - If a reason is included, the variable {reason} can be used in the ticket message.

Last updated