Category Issues
51699b5e-f50c-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003 hash errors, causes and solutions
Last updated
51699b5e-f50c-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003 hash errors, causes and solutions
Last updated
This error is caused when the bot has issues locating the category you picked or is unable to add a new channel in the category, resulting in the ticket being created at the top of the channel list:
Ticket Tool limits categories at 45 channels instead of Discord's limit of 50, so if your category has 45 or more channels in it, the ticket will appear at the top of the server
To solve this you can:
Visit your Category Options in your Dashboard and look for a ~ Deleted ~
category in order to replace it with a valid category
If after this you haven't been able to solve the error, reach out to our Support Team